Indecisiveness is my specialty.

For so many years I thought it was a bad thing, I didn’t know what I wanted to do and I thought that I never would. I spent all 5 of my college years figuring out the answer to this and I still left with an expensive piece of paper and no clue what to do. I knew I had dreams, I wasn’t completely lost in life, but how would I get there?! I changed my major every year in college. And I kept thinking, what a waste. I tried jobs and internships and I liked it for a month and then said okay no.

I’m here to tell you that nothing is wrong with you.

So you don’t know what you want to do? Or you like too many things, or maybe you get bored with the same thing everyday! Nothing is wrong with you! People spend years finding their niche in business, that doesn’t make them any less successful. Don’t ever let anyone else define your happiness. You make your own happiness and the rest will come.

Start with these questions to yourself:
What makes me happy?
What am I good at? What do other people say I’m good at?
Which one of these skills can I monetize?
What would my perfect day look like?
What do YOU want to do, not what others are telling you to do, not what you think you should do… what do you truly want to be known for?

Are you a creative? Are you a planner? Are you an entrepreneur? Are you a dreamer? A writer? An adventurer? An educator? A mentor? The opportunities are endless, think outside of the box. Once you have some general ideas you can start a plan and create some goals around it. What do you need to succeed in your dream job? Now and for the future? Always know it is okay to ask for help in getting to your goals! Seek out someone who is doing something similar to what you are wanting to do and ask them how they got there! The worst they can do is not answer and then you’ll know, this is not the type of person you want to strive to be anyways.
Happy planning!

goal making