I am so excited to see you here, you are one of the reasons I am obsessed with my life, you awesome human!

On Friday’s I share some of my current obsessions in life. What’s bringing me joy, bringing me life, what should you go check out ASAP?!

Why obsessions? I live in a life I am completely obsessed with, whether I am traveling the globe or chilling in my cute sunlit office, I am surrounded by joy. And so are you!

So what’s lighting up my life this week…

1 Lavender Epsom Salt Bath

If this is your first time hearing about it. You’re welcome. Self care to the max. This has been my go to self care for the past several weeks, I wonder if you can overdose on epsom salt??

The lavendar chills you out and the epsom salt relaxes your muscles. With all my new cycling classes I have been so sore, this has been the perfect balance. Do it!!! Thank me later!

2 Grove

Seriously. Obsession.

I don’t know about you, but I always forget to buy cleaning supplies at the grocery store! ALSO… I only use all natural cleaning supplies in my house. Grove delivers clean cleaning supplies straight to you every month. You get to decide what comes in your order, how much, and how often. SO GOOD. It’s been such a time saver for me. Go through this link and you’ll get a free 5 piece gift set on your first order!!!

3 Natural Cycles App

I finally got the hang of this whole tracking my cycle thing and I’m kinda, really digging it. I said goodbye to my IUD in January and my body massively thanks me. My body was rejecting my IUD and I had a lot of pain and unnecessary symptoms that came with that. After learning all about the side effects of synthetic hormones, I decided to go all natural with my cycle. It feels so empowering to have control over my body and to feel good about a time of the month I used to dread! Try it here!

4 Soul in the Raw Podcast

I am always in search of the best podcasts, so it’s only right that I share my favorites with you! Soul in the Raw is one of my current favorite podcast. Olivia and Crystal are SO FUN! I feel like I’m listening to my BFF’s chat when I listen to them.

Plus they have AMAZING inteviews with entrepreneurs. I love a good interview!

5 Instagram stories

… always. If you’re not following me over on @meganseamans, come join the party. I share mini insta-sodes with tips and life tricks, behind the scenes of my business + me being a human. It’s a good time. Come hang out with me!

Don’t be a stranger, say hello!

Sending you so much love!



Get ready to be inspired!

I’m Megan, a life coach for women who challenges you to get OUT of your own head and into a life you are obsessed with!

Ready to be obsessed with your life?

I help women create balance in life before burn out so they can have it all.

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