“All emotions, even those that are suppressed and unexpressed, have physical effects. Unexpressed emotions tend to stay in the body like a small ticking time bomb. They are illnesses in incubation.”

We know our emotions have a wild effect on us. When we are happy we are thriving, we want to do more, create more. We feel good when we are happy, we find lasting confidence in our happy moments.

And all of the other emotions we seem to fly right passed.

I remember I used to lay in bed and find myself overwhelmed with anxiety. My heart would start racing, my breath would speed up, for no apparent reason.

It took me a long time to realize this was the only time I had space for the emotions that I had been ignoring for so long to surface. The thoughts and feelings would rush through my head and I would attempt to push them back down, which would only send my body into a panic. I was having a physical reaction to an emotional response. My body was screaming at me to listen up!

And it wasn’t the only time.

Like when I got so stressed about exams and found myself with a sinus infection.
Like when my ex broke up with me and I found myself with a respiratory infection.

Ignoring, denying, or pushing down your emotions does not serve you at your highest good. Really, it doesn’t serve you at all.

Your emotions are working to tell you something. Every human emotion is beautiful and desires to be heard. Managing our emotions is not something we are necessarily taught. In fact, more often than not we tend to label our emotions, some are “good” and some “bad.” When the reality is, all of our emotions are just feeling trying to flow through. None are less than or more than the others. Each has a purpose and a desire to be felt.

Too often humans try to run past their emotion to the next big thing, yes, sometimes… even the good ones.

So that brings us to… what do we do with these powerful emotions?!

Find your boundaries to exploring and standing in your emotions instead of running from them. Time to balance when to stand in your emotions and when to move past them so you aren’t stewing or creating suffering.

Here are some tips on knowing when you stand in your emotions and when to move on from them:

Amplify your emotion:

One of the reasons we stand in emotion is to amplify more of what we want in our life, aka goodness. When we have great wins, big or small, or we have something amazing happen in our life, or honestly just a great moment, we want to intensify that to create more and more goodness in our lives. Too often we try to rush passed everything in life to the next big thing and the next and we end up missing out on what we accomplish or even forget all of the stairs we have climbed.

Process your emotion:

Another, sometimes less favorable, reason we stand in our emotion is to process what is going on. We typically run away from the emotions that feel “hard” or the ones we have labeled as “bad.” When we suppress emotion we create repression, and we become numb to our emotions. You begin to deny that you have certain feelings within yourself, and that kind of restriction is painful. When you can process the emotion you can get to the root of the cause so you can move forward from it, instead of keeping it around.

Moving on:

Once you’ve spent the time to amplify your celebrations in order to create more goodness and sat with your emotion to process them. It’s time to move forward, from the present into manifesting your dream future reality.

Because the thing is, we all have pain in our lives, it is inevitable. But suffering in that pain is optional. 

And joy will always be there too, it is meant to be experienced. 

No use staying deeply in the past when there is so much more to create.

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Get ready to be inspired!

I’m Megan, a life coach for women who challenges you to get OUT of your own head and into a life you are obsessed with!

Ready to be obsessed with your life?

I help women create balance in life before burn out so they can have it all.

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