Whether you know it or not, your habits are dictating your life.

And good habits are just as addicting as bad habits, you have to choose to implement the new habits you desire though.

A habit is a pattern you choose from repetition.

I had to realize the habits that were holding me back in order to move into everything I wanted in my life.

I wanted to own a business.
I wanted to travel the world.
I wanted to feel fully free.

But my habits were not reflecting any of that.

Here’s the thing about habits though… if they’ve been programmed with you as a pattern for a long time, you may not even notice how it is effecting you.

Like picking up your phone first thing in the morning,
or the way you respond to yourself after thinking about your big vision.
Maybe you choose soda over water everyday,
or you decide to watch funny fail videos on YouTube instead of the training you invested in.

These are habits.

And the ones that were sabotaging me looked a little something like this…

– Get off work, eat a snack put on Grey’s Anatomy reruns, take a nap
– Wake up first things in the AM to grab my phone… And this is almost embarrassing to say now… I would scroll on the phone while I was IN THE SHOWER. **Face Palm**
– Working out? Psh, I don’t have time for that… I’m running a business… she says as she sits on the couch.
– The self talk that bounced back when I thought about my travel vision… “People like me don’t do things like that…” “I don’t have enough time/money/etc. to do this…”
– Fall asleep with all of my make up on after binging on some Netflix

These may seem small, but after being repeated in my life for years, they became normal.

The things you’re choosing everyday are reflecting the life you will live.

Your daily habits are making something a priority in your life, are they showing what you truly desire?

Change your habits, change your life.

Here are three habits that completely transformed my life, the three habits that took me from total daydreamer to living a life that is even better than my dreams.

So how do you change your habits?

First you have to become aware of the habits that are currently running your show…

Start by breaking your day down into three parts:

– Morning
– Afternoon
– Evening

What are you doing in each portion of the day in repetition?
How do these habits make you feel?
Are they reflecting the way you want to feel daily?

Next: You need to look at your internal habits

Though all habits are important; discovering the way you talk to yourself and the way you navigate fear, can completely change your motivation towards your dreams!

Your internal world is the foundation to everything you create externally.

Pay attention to the way you respond to yourself, the way you process failures, and what fears are holding you back from what you truly desire.

And finally: Don’t habit overwhelm yourself.

Add one thing in a week that will get you closer to what you desire most in life, and brings you to the happiest version of you there is.

Choosing yourself every single day is living in your purpose.

Everyone’s habits will be different because we all operate different as humans… 

However, here are two vital habits that I’ve discovered shift everyone’s life…

1. Morning Routine

 For me this started with a simple 5 minute morning routine while I was still working full time, and eventually turned into completely freedom fueled mornings with one hour of space that set me up for success throughout the day.

Maybe you’ve heard of the morning routine before and you haven’t done it because you “don’t have enough time.” If you’re awake you have enough time.

Don’t overcomplicate this. A morning routine is simply meant to set your day up in peace.

Coming to my phone first made me look at everyone else’s amazing life, and sent me into a spiral of thoughts that said… my life isn’t good enough.

Once I grounded myself in gratitude for what I did have in that moment, and allowed myself some space to set up the day, action from this place felt much easier and more fun!

Whether it’s 5 minutes, or 1 hour, choose to set up your day in ease and watch the day unfold on purpose.

2. Self Belief Habits

The habits I had in place caused me to respond in a way that made me feel like I could never do what I wanted to do.

I would think about my big vision, and then  wonder if that would ever be true for someone like me. I would hope and wish…

But hoping, wishing, and wondering weren’t getting me very far.

The thing that was missing… I needed to believe in this vision more than anything else, and I needed to believe in MYSELF.

I needed to change the pattern of self sabotage I needed to anchor in strong self belief.

There were two things I did to change this habit of negative response to my dreams:

> I got support, there was no reason for me to do this alone. No reason I needed to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders, so I asked for help and suddenly belief felt a lot less heavy.

Looking for support of your own? Head over here to explore private coaching with me and see how we can breakthrough to the life you are obsessed with!

> I affirmed it. Everyday, I affirmed how powerful of a creator I was. In the mirror to myself. I had two sticky notes on my bathroom mirror with affirmation of who I was becoming.

One affirmation about how I was taking action everyday into my purpose, and one about traveling the world as a full time business owner.

Each morning I read those, and each morning I got more and more excited to live those.

Do you see how these new habits I implemented supported what I actually desired in life? 

Though they may seem like small shifts, the more they became a part of me… the more massive moves started working.

In fact one year after intentionally choosing new daily habits, I moved out of my apartment with a one way ticket to see the world and a full time business.

The small steps are what will build your big vision, add them in one by one and watch magic unfold.

Ready to set up your own habits to transform your life… here’s 20 ideas for you!
Don’t start with all 20, start with one and gradually add in more.

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Get ready to be inspired!

I’m Megan, a life coach for women who challenges you to get OUT of your own head and into a life you are obsessed with!

Ready to be obsessed with your life?

I help women create balance in life before burn out so they can have it all.

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