Creating balance as an entrepreneur is what will keep you from stress, overwhelm, and ultimately from burnout.

When we create balance we pay attention to what is pulling on us to keep up with, we get to live our life not in force, but in flow. Creating balance isn’t about not working hard, or giving up on your commitments. Creating balance is about putting you first so you can serve from a place of having so much more to give.

Because when you are full, when you have your highest amount of energy and are operating as your “best self,” everything else in your life gets that same energy. Doesn’t everything and everyone deserve the best version of you there is?

Being an entrepreneur is like having a really needy baby that doesn’t stop talking to you, 24 hours a day, constantly giving you new tasks… kind of sounds like having a normal baby??? But your business shouldn’t be your baby. Because babies you can’t just put away and take a break, babies need constant nurturing; your business needs space to grow.

Elizabeth Gilbert says it best though… “Creative work is not your baby. If anything you’re its baby. Be willing to be light with your work. Be careful of your dignity, it is not always your friend.”

You need to balance you and your life with your business so you can create clarity, ease, and happiness in your business. That’s why you started this business in the first place, right?



So here are fifteen things you can do now to start creating balance in your business: 

1. Schedule in meals

No more getting to 7pm and going, oh crap… I forgot to eat today. Your body needs to be nourished to operate on full.

2. Pay attention to intentional action

Are you just taking action to say, HEY! Look what I did! Or maybe action just to fill up time? Or is your action intentionally moving you towards the growth you want in your business?

3. Mental health check in’s

Give yourself some check in’s every now and again throughout the day. If we are in a constant hustle mode, we might quickly rush past feelings that need your attention.

4. Limit mindless scrolling 

“But I have to be on Instagram… it’s part of my business.”
Watch the scroll, is it for community growth or just passing time.

5. Set work hours

12 hour days happen… but aren’t always necessary, and can be unhealthy. Set yourself a schedule so you can get into the work flow and life your life fully present.

6. Unplug once a day [at least]

At least… Your business doesn’t have to be on 24/7, unplug and be present with life.

7. Be inspired in your work environment

Spruce up your work space! Bring some joy into the environment you are creating in.

8. Balanced support – business peers, girlfriends, mentors

The people you can lean on when you need it the most. You do not have to do this alone.

9. Variety in your routine

Switch it up! Get some variety in your routine and find some new joy in your business.

10. Self care – daily, weekly, monthly 

Keep your cup full. That’s it.

11. Say no to things that don’t feel right

I know we want to help everyone in our community, and constantly lift people up, but if something doesn’t feel right to you, it is okay! Don’t burn yourself out in order to keep others warm.

12. Mini celebrations

Big or small we celebrate them all!
Celebrate yourself often.

13. Aligning with your why

Your why grows as you do. Check in with it and make sure what you’re doing is in alignment with your why.

14. A non-money making, fun hobby

A hard one for entrepreneurs! We want to monetize everything, but you need to have something that is purely for your joy!

15. A clear plan

Blindly running to the success that you want is overwhelm in itself. If you were going on a road trip what would you need to get to where you want to go… a map! You want the same to keep balance in your work.

There you have it, fifteen things to keep your balance as an entrepreneur – aka: save your sanity.
Tell me… What’s one thing you do to keep the balance in your life as an entrepreneur? 

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