Ultimately what all humans want in life, is to feel like their life has meaning, to feel like their life has PURPOSE.

Stepping into your life purpose is one of the most rewarding journeys.

When you step fully into your life purpose you find:

+ Ease: decisions become easy to make because as long as they are in alignment with your purpose, you know they are right
+ Happiness: an immediate side effect of stepping into your purpose, how could you not be happy when you are living life on purpose instead of on autopilot of what you are “supposed to do.”
+ Wellness: when you live in purpose, you want to take care of yourself inside and out, because you know you have a purpose to fulfill.

I could probably go on and on with benefits that occur once you step into your purpose. There are far too many daily benefits that you will see when you step into your purpose to list.

Ready to leap into your purpose yet?!

I know when I stepped into my purpose I:

+ Designed a business I am wildly obsessed with
+ Traveled more than ever
+ Cultivated meaningful relationships

And so much more.

Stepping into my purpose completely changed my life.

Women who come to me that are not living fully in their purpose are feeling: stressed, overwhelmed, and stuck in a place of inaction – not knowing where to move next.

Ultimately if you don’t live out your life purpose I believe you will have a continuous feeling that you are missing something, almost like a feeling of missing a part of you. I believe you will continue out patterns of stress and general unhappiness. I believe your body will retaliate too, you’ll find yourself sick often and achey, because our physical body can absolutely have a response to the world we are in externally and internally.


No more confusion, missing pieces, doubt, or effects to your wellbeing.

It is time to show up for you.

The great news is there is no reinventing here, you were born with your purpose. You just have to awaken to the truth.

Here are three tips for stepping into your purpose:

1 | Listen in: What are the nudges you’ve been pushing away for years? What do you feel called to do?

2 | Step into it daily: Can’t make a dramatic shift straight away into your purpose? Start small, start daily. What can you do each day to honor your purpose?

3 | Vocalize it: Give it life! Once you’ve defined your purpose, take ownership of it. Tell people about it, share it with people you love, find likeminded people moving towards their purpose too!

What to do if there are blocks:

Often women come to me seeking their life purpose feeling blocked. Crippled with fear and doubt.

Maybe you’re wondering…

“Who am I to create a life like this?”
“What will Aunt Sally think of me doing this?”
“Am I really worthy of this life?”

I have more great news for you… these are completely normal and totally simple to move out of. You do not have to live in fear, you get to choose to not live in fear.

You have to make the fear of not getting there, bigger than any other fear that’s trying to steal the show.

You have to make the fear of never manifesting your big picture vision into reality so much greater than the fear of judgement, failure, or fraud.

Because I can promise you that the fears that are holding you back from purpose, will melt away as you step into your success.

But the regret of not following your purpose. That will eat you alive every second you’re not embodying it.

Want tools that will walk you into your purpose without fear?!
I’m hosting a workshop January 14 with my friend and Life Purpose Coach – How To Step Into Your Purpose This 2019 Without Fear!

If you are ready to step into all of this so you can have all of the amazing life purpose benefits,
Save your seat for the workshop here!