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I never knew the full gifts I would experience while traveling the world…

Honestly it started as kind of a selfish mission. I wanted to travel… like most millenials do. Once I stopped making it be about the travel, and opened up to the lessons every unique trip brought me. My entire world changed. I brought home lessons about adventure and freedom I never thought I would find; and I uncovered a new layer to my purpose.

Enjoy the video above which features some of my favorite travel memories + here’s the full list of each lesson… 

    1. This is your once in a lifetime reality… there is no other option but to live full out.
    2. The present moment is quite literally all we ever have.
    3. To live in the past is to waste away moments you will never get back.
    4. Nature is the best place to let go and lean into the knowing that you were abundantly made with everything you need.
    5. Your comfort zone is lying to you… the fear feels painful and scary but once you step out of that zone, you realize your comfort zone was the most uncomfortable place of them all.
    6. Suffering in the idea that life isn’t good enough or you’ll never have what you want will never get you any closer to your desires… Look around you and recognize how much goodness is already around you, and turn the volume up on that
    7. The universe is waiting for you to say yes to the nudges you have inside, everything is ready to rearrange for you when you choose to move forward into it. 
    8. Give your fears away to something greater, and know that faith in your plan takes the same amount of effort… fear and faith exist in the same place… your mind. Take power of that and you’ll be set free.
    9. Full freedom doesn’t actually exist in a plane ticket or checking off a new country from your bucket list… it’s a deep inner process that truly sets you free. One of coming home to you and knowing that you were made for this life.
    10. Sometimes the greatest experiences happen in your backyard…
    11. And the hardest experiences are your greatest teachers. You can’t run away from problems and pain… they don’t disappear. And the longer you wait or keep running the more resistance festers… FEEL it before you fix it… Soak into the pain and then set it free, knowing you just created space for magic to happen
    12. We are all connected – the synchronicity you find around the globe is incredible 
    13. Planes cannot take off when the runway is full… just like your mind cannot feel clear when it is full… what thoughts are taking up space? Those are the reasons you are feeling stuck. Clarity is not an empty mind, it is having the space to see what is in front of you.
    14. The ocean taught me ebbs and flows.
    15. While the mountains taught me that I ALWAYS have more to give even when I think I have given it my all.
    16. Purpose isn’t about a destination, it’s an intentional choice… moment to moment, day to day… finding your purpose is about living on purpose.
    17. If you make your dream life a non negotiable, you’ll find a way to attract it in, you’ll find a way to make it happen. Don’t let the external control your only shot at this reality. Making your dream life a non negotiable means looking for more reasons why it IS Possible for you.
    18. If we all knew the day we were going to die, we would live dramatically different. Fitting in as much goodness in the moments we have, knowing at the end of our days we can face god and say… I have nothing left to give.
    19. Uncertainty isn’t scary… it’s where magic happens, miracles are led… I’m always ready for something extraordinary. 
    20. Stop making life so complex and serious, and begin to open up your eyes to leading a life of joy, starting right here… right now. 

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