So you pulled your Human Design information, maybe you’ve even gone down the Human Design rabbit hole a little bit, and your Human Design Type doesn’t resonate with you. What’s up with that?! Are you just a total skeptic or is this evidence that Human Design “doesn’t work”. Or maybe you’re here because you really want your Human Design to resonate and you’re not sure what’s off.

Whatever’s landed you here, I’m happy you’re here and I’ve found there are really 5 main reasons your Human Design doesn’t resonate with you. Let’s get into it.

Before we do, should we cover the Human Design basics a little bit? What is Human Design in the first place? Perhaps Human Design doesn’t resonate because you don’t understand it. Human Design is the study of how all human beings are different. It shows us our unique energetic blueprint. There are 2 billion different configurations in Human Design, I’ve yet to see 2 charts that are the same. And even as someone who interperates Human Design charts, I’m still learning from everyone I sit with! You can read a little more about Human Design and the ease it support you to create here.

I’ve found it to be extraorindarily accurate… Scary accurate at times… and extraorinarily life-affirming. Human Design begs you to look at – How can I live any path with the most amount of ease. It’s not, can I do this? It’s how can I do this my way? It’s based off of simply your birthday, time, and location. Your Human Design doesn’t change, it is your soul’s essence from the time you were born.

So, if it’s so accurate and fixed why isn’t it landing for you or a loved one…

Your Human Design Type Doesn’t Resonate… Why?!

Human Design Doesn’t Resonate Reason #1: You haven’t integrated it

There’s an immense amount of deconditioning that comes with Human Design. There are 5 main Human Design Types – Generator, Manifesting Generator, Manifestor, Projector, and Reflector. Generators and Manifesting Generators make up about 70% of the population. Manifestors about 9%, Projectors about 20%, and our rare birds – Reflectors make up about 1% of the population.

If you grew up with a different energy type very prominent in your environment and were raised to be that way, it may take some inetgration to really feel what it means to live your type.

Even how you were raised aside, think about different environments you’ve been in through schooling, various jobs, and career space. If you found you were trying to keep up or prove yourself – you may have been living another Human Design Type.

Depending on different layers of your chart – you may do much better living out something vs. reading about it.

Take time to experiment with your type before you say – it’s not me. Notice how it might be without even realizing it, and most importantly define what it means for you.

Human Design Doesn’t Resonate Reason #2: Living in an Extreme Or Missing Information

Human Design is layers, as I said earlier there are 2 billion different integrations of a Human Design Chart. If you resonate with another Human Design Type – Makes sense! Your Human Design isn’t just one piece it’s a full layered, multi dimensional modality.

If your Type doesn’t resonate, you may be trying to operate it through an extreme lens while missing part of the information in your chart.

Here are a few examples of this:

I’m a Projector – Projectors are known for taking many breaks throughout the day and are called a “non energy type.” This really confuses people because I am an energetic person. When we look a layer deeper though – we see there are 3 different types of Projectors and I am an Energy Projector. We’re known for not fitting the traditional Projector stereotype of burning out or getting easily tired. I have different sources of energy than other Projectors.

Another example of this is a Maifesting Generator client I sat with who LOVED naps and a slower process but was told she had a big capacity to do so many things. We dug a little deeper and noticed her Emotional Authority, which means not leaping into things right away, waiting for the charge to become neutral. We also evaluated what things she was doing in life that were an energetic “no” for her. Even though you can hold a lot as a Manifesting Generator, you’re not designed to hold it all just because.

Human Design information isn’t meant to be an all or nothing. Projectors like to be energized, Manifesting Generators like naps, and Reflectors can move fast.

Human Design Doesn’t Resonate Reason #3: Being stubborn to old conditioning

I’m calling it how it is in this one. Your Human Design might not resonate because you’re being too stubborn to let go of what’s not working in your life because you’ve been doing it so long and it’s served you this far.

How honest are you willing to be with yourself? Ask yourself: Is how your currently living feeling really good? Are there any areas of your life that feel exhausting or like resistance/friction?

Human Design is all about ease, and like I said in #1 – there’s a deconditioning process that goes with that and it can be really hard to let go of things that have kept you safe and comfortable this long, even if they create a tension point for you.

Human Design Doesn’t Resonate Reason #4: Wrong birthday information

Your Human Design might not resonate with you because you inputted the incorrect birthday information! Yes an hour and minutes can change your Human Design information. If you’re not sure if you were born at 9am or 9pm, it can completely change what type you are.

If you think you inputted it wrong, try again.

If you’re not sure what your birth information is there are several ways to experiment with this!

1. Call the hospital you were born

2. Test out several times a day to see what changes

3. There are certain psychics and hypnosis experts that can help you with this – I’ve never personally had any experience with this one.

Human Design Doesn’t Resonate Reason #5: It’s just not for you

…and Human Design guides, readers, and enthusiasts are all okay with that!

No one’s here to convince you! If your Human Design doesn’t resonate, it may just not be a tool for you. This can be the end of your Human Design journey or maybe you’ll find it again at a later time in your life!


I hope this guide served you in some way! I’d love to hear from you in the comments, did this create any clarity for you on your Human Design journey? If you’re curious to get more Human Design tips and questions answered, I have a free Facebook Group – Magic By Design – that I’d love to welcome you into!