What’s the one thing you want so badly right now but feel like you aren’t moving towards it at all?

I know for me it used to be travel.
I wanted to travel constantly, consistently, and freely.

But I wasn’t traveling.
Even though I wanted it so bad.
Even though I was planning on how I would make it happen.

So why wasn’t I getting there?
Why aren’t you moving towards what you want?

You have to know the difference between wanting something and making something a priority to actually happen.

Can you truly look at yourself in the mirror and say you are doing everything in your power to make it happen?

So often we are stuck in a place of wanting, instead of a place of doing.

I would say out loud that I wanted to travel more than anything.
But then you could ask me what happened in Season 4 of How I Met Your Mother, and I could summarize the whole season.

I wanted it but I wasn’t truly taking the action to get there.

Do not mistake this with thinking you have to work 24/7:365 to make something work. You have to know when to push and when to pause, AND when to call bullshit on yourself.

Look at where you are spending your time, where you are focusing your energy, that is where your priorities lie.

Unpopular opinion: creating something you’ve never had takes dedicated work, trial and error, and sacrifices.

What do you want the most?
When and how do you deploy your energy to that desire?

Your priorities, the primary use of your energy and time, are what will manifest into your reality.

Your brain can tell the difference between when you actually want something to happen, and when you are just saying you want something.


Evidence based on your past moments.

  • If you haven’t traveled internationally before, your brain doesn’t see it now.
  • If you haven’t owned a business before, your brain doesn’t see it now.
  • If you haven’t climbed to the top of a mountain, your brain doesn’t see it happening.

>> Until you change your own mind and make the first step, your brain doesn’t believe you.

>> Until you create new evidence your brain will make excuses to stay where you are.

>> Until you make it a priority, nothing will change.

If you really want something, you’ll make it happen.

Now I travel every single chance I get.
You know the answer now… I make it a priority.

I make it a priority to earn enough. 
To be in control of my time off. 
And to leave without fear.

Before that I had to ditch the excuses and make it a priority to create a lifestyle that allowed me to do that.

I made it a priority to create time to build a business.
I made it a priority to take risks in my business.
To create a financial plan for me.  

When you make something new a priority, there will be scary decisions.

Like leaving my full time comfort job before income was replaced.
Like saying “no” to some social events because my time was needed elsewhere.
Like investing in things that I couldn’t pay off right away.

They are only scary because they are new. Don’t let these decisions scare you simply because they are unknown. 

Everything you have ever done you had to be a beginner at first.

So what do you need to make a priority?
What have you been telling yourself you want to do but you aren’t truly, fully committing to?

It’s time to make it a priority. It’s time to create step what to make your desires happen.

Get ready to be inspired!

I’m Megan, a life coach for women who challenges you to get OUT of your own head and into a life you are obsessed with!

Ready to be obsessed with your life?

I help women create balance in life before burn out so they can have it all.

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