Take it from a gal who changed her major in college 7 times, researched about 20 other majors, and felt like she was completely missing something. How was it that everyone else had it all figured out? I get how frustrating your path to purpose can be.


Now I am completely and fully living in my purpose every single day.

I have to tell you, the path to purpose is much easier than I was making it. And probably you too…

I want to share 2 foundations I needed to step into purpose + 4 steps to take to get into alignment with your purpose.

Because there is nothing better than living a life full of purpose.

First things first: Stop making purpose mean your career.

Your purpose is a big, multidimensional part of who you are.
It does not fit into one box labeled career.

We make purpose HUGE and then squeeze it into a tiny box,
Of course you’re frustrated on this journey.

Your purpose holds pieces of you, things that light you up, fulfillment, and your career.

Redefine purpose and find how you are already living in it.

Next: Allow evolution in your purpose.

As you grow and change, as your environment grows and changes — your purpose will as well.
Embrace change with grace and curiosity, and find ease in your path to purpose.

Now that you feel nice and grounded with these purpose foundations, here are 4 steps to explore on the way to purpose.

1. To be in purpose you must live on purpose

Turn off autopilot and take control of your life. How can you possibly step into purpose if you are just moving through the motions not paying attention to what you like or don’t like, what feels right or off? If you’re living by a retired set of rules then of course you feel out of purpose. It’s not working for you anymore, time for an evolution. If you want to step into purpose in your life then it is necessary that you live your life on purpose. This is how you create balance, this is how you create a life that feels good.

To live on purpose is to be intentional with your action. Why are you doing what you’re doing? What is it serving in your life?

2. Trust the nudges…

Those little ones that make ZERO sense, yeah… that’s your purpose talking to you. Trust that you are completely safe in the decisions that feel right for you.

I spent years, and a lot of schooling, pushing those nudges away and I would have created a nice little short cut for myself had I listened sooner.

Tune into yourself, spend some time listening to what you really want and why. And start stepping into trusting those nudges.

3. Test, tweak, try, repeat

The path to purpose takes trial and error, road bumps and detours. You have to be courageous and try those nudges and take out the pieces that make sense for you. 

 Though I could have saved some time and schooling if I listened to the nudges, some of the majors I tested out were necessary for my exploration into my purpose. What I wanted to do with my life just didn’t fit on one piece of paper – called a degree.

It’s the same with the other parts of your purpose – how do you want to show up might take some growth, what do you want to do for fun might take some exploration, and what you want to do with your career might take a little trial and error. Don’t be afraid to have fun with your experiments! 

What’s one thing that lights you up, and how can you step into that a little closer?

4. Confidently show up in all of it.

Show up for your purpose! I had seven major changes in school partly because the moment it got hard or boring or I questioned it, I bailed out. Show up for what feels right. Be in full confidence, because you are the only one who knows what is right for you.

When I chose to nanny instead of getting a starter career out of college, you better believe I was fully confident in that choice, even when people said but… you have a degree???

What/Where do you need to show up for in full currently in your life?
Live life like you mean it, sister! Because we only get to do this whole earth thing one time.

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