Get to know me

Hello Gorgeous!

I am so glad you are here! Let’s get to know each other a little so things don’t get weird…

I am Megan (hey, this is easy!)…

I’m Megan and I am The Life Stylist who challenges women to step outside their comfort zone and into a life they are obsessed with!

My goal is to help women find their passion, to find what to do with life even when you have no idea what to do!

Sounds crazy right?! Let’s back it up a little…

I am on the pursuit to help YOU find your passion in this crazy life, to help you truly shine no matter what the end goal is, show you how much happiness you are [truly] surrounded by and to show you that no dream is unobtainable.

Wait Megan, stop… what the heck is a Life Stylist?!

Ah – I am so glad you asked!

I am trained as a life coach, and when I was deciding who it was I wanted to work with I knew I wanted to support women in growing, both in life and in business. It was a fine line I was walking between life and business coach. I knew a couple of things for certain:

1. More and more women are wanting more freedom in their life, whatever that meant to them
2. Women need more love, support and just more happiness in their life

It isn’t just about having the super successful business, or creating their dream business plan; it is about creating a life that they are so in love with, so happy to wake up to every day, so obsessed with! 

So I became The Life Stylist!

You’re so ready for me if you are… 

Ready to jump outside of your comfort zone
Ready to challenge yourself in new ways.
Ready to find out what it means to be truly happy everyday.
Ready to have more of what you really want in your life.
Craving something more, something bigger.

I believe we can all live with purpose, that we can all love ourselves and that we can all live in pure joy everyday.

I’m on a mission to help you live your DREAM life with complete ease and clarity.

I’m a sucker for helping ladies design their dream business plan surrounded by their passions!

I’m on a mission to help women (like you, beautiful!) get the heck out of your comfort zone, reconnect to your soul desires and be unapologetically YOU.

My background & Fancy things:

I have a shiny  expensive degree in corporate communications… who really uses their degree now-a-days anyway?! I do love to communicate though!

I trained with the Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy.

I am human…Here’s the fun stuff::
I find the most joy in a good adventure, watching airplanes take off, rainbow sprinkles on chocolate donuts (or ice cream, maybe a cake too), a good quote, bubble baths, daydreams on Pinterest boards & a fresh bouquet of sunflowers.

30 second dance parties have to happen amidst a work day… frequently.

Adventure is always calling, my bucket list? Stepping foot on every continent… more time in all but Antartica, please.

Burrrr, being cold is not my jam. I like to chase summer!

Guilty pleasure? Watching The Bachelor and The Bachelorette – Every Season. I. Can’t. Stop.

I am small but mighty, I am at times quiet but fierce in everything I do. I write with passion. I’m constantly daydreaming. I have the desire to learn something new everyday. I don’t sit still well. My story is still being written.

Let’s write your story, shall we?!

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