Are you stuck in a job that doesn’t bring purpose to your life?
Counting the seconds on the clock until you can race home, or call it a weekend?

Have you totally stopped taking care of you?
Stopped going to the gym or yoga or that fitness class you love?
Stopped listening to your body and mind?

Are you constantly daydreaming or sifting through Pinterest, searching for how you could be living?
Or dreaming of life of travel and adventure, but you just keep telling yourself that you can’t?

Have you become so fearful of people’s judgements that you don’t even bother to try
Or are you telling yourself that this life is all you are worthy of, when you know there is so much more out there?

Have you been doing everything thus far to please your parents or your friends or anyone other than you?

It is time to let go.
Time to let go of the fears
Time to let go of expectations of what you “should be doing”
Time to let go of tripping into the future.

It is time to be YOU.

How do I know…

I’ve been there. 

I’ve let my fears and own limiting beliefs hold me back.
I went to college for five years just because it was what my parents told me I had to do, only to graduate and feel more lost than ever. I dropped everything I loved to do because the world told me I wouldn’t make it with those talents. Even though I loved to create and I had a passion for writing and photography, everyone said I wouldn’t make it with that as my career, so I dropped it.

I stopped listening to my own body. I ignored any feelings of pain that I had and carried them with me everywhere I went. I let people define my kindness for weakness and let them break me down. I wore myself out going to parties and social events so that I fit in when I just wanted to stay in.

And despite all of that – I have brought myself back up. Now I live for me, unapologetically.

And you can too.

What does this look like?!
You can finally ditch that 9-5 for something that you truly love.
Maybe you want to live out of a suitcase visiting beaches around the world!
Booking that plane ticket!
Loving your body for what it is, always.
Signing up for that pilates package you have been eyeing for years!
Speaking at events around the world.
Connecting with your soul sisters.
You can finally create that platform to share your thoughts with the world.
Creating a business that is your very own!

Together we can discover life outside of your comfort zone.
Life without boundaries or limits.
Life that you love!
I coach beautiful women (like yourself)
who are ready to reconnect with themselves.
Who are ready to live for more.
Who are dedicated to leap outside of their comfort zones with me.

Together we will…
Discover what fear and limiting beliefs are holding you in place
Press play on a life designed for you
Start living out of love and not fear
Tap into your inner creative
and so much more.

 Want to learn more? Let’s chat! First ones on me! No commitment; just me, you and your comfort zone!

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