So you’re looking to train with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy? Awesome! I am so excited for you, life coaching is such a rewarding career path to take and Beautiful You Coaching Academy is a wonderful place to start your journey!

There is so much great information over here, on the Beautiful You site. Check it out and get all the answers to the FAQ’s.

If you’re ready to sign up with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy now, scroll down to the bottom. I am offering some amazing bonuses if you sign up through this link!

But if you want a unique perspective from a Beautiful You Coaching Academy graduate, here it is!

My Story: 

I always knew I wanted something more. I never felt like I was in the right place. In school, in activities, in my social life. Something was missing. But I just kept coasting through life, going with the “American Dream Plan.”

I went to school like a good girl, got good grades, excelled in what I was making good marks in. Went to college, picked a major that highlighted the courses I was better at. Got a degree from a well-respected university, had my check-list resume complete with a wonderfully completed internship and stellar references. I went to one job interview and I thought… no way!

This would not be my life.

It was time for me to start making decisions. It was time for me to make my own plan.

Fast forward a few months, a lot of research, a lot of tears and doubt that I actually wasn’t meant to design my own life and I stumbled upon a Beautiful You Coaching Academy graduate on Instagram.

Something sparked my interest about the whole coaching thing. So I set up a call with her and the rest is history.

The Beautiful You Coaching Academy course in review: 

Beautiful You Coaching Academy has been one of the most wonderful things that has happened to my life!

I was so nervous taking an online class, because I am someone who needed a little extra attention and motivation with course work. I was nervous that just like in my university courses, I would become just a number and no one would care about my outcome.

Beautiful You Coaching Academy not only keeps the course sizes small, but the trainers make it an effort to know you. They work with you individually on questions if you need it.

It’s hard to even put in to words how the community as a whole makes you feel. I’ve never been in a community of such empowering women. The Beautiful You Coaching Academy is a a community that truly believes “Collaboration over competition.”

I have to also give a HUGE shout out to the buddy program that the Beautiful You Coaching Academy sets up! I would not be the coach I am today, if it weren’t for my perfect buddy match. The trainers hand select your buddy based on your interests and locations. And every pair seems to be in the perfect place for each other.

My buddy and I still talk on a regular basis! It was definitely my favorite part of the course and something that is not offered in all coaching series.

If you are interested in training with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy but maybe have some more questions. Please feel free to schedule a call with me and we can chat more!

Is the Beautiful You Coaching Academy right for you? 

The Beautiful You Coaching Academy is a course unlike any other. It is made with so much love and attention to detail.

It is right for you if you are ready to grow and flourish in a community of wildly inspiring women.

The Beautiful You Coaching Academy is right for you if you are ready to watch not just your business grow but also yourself.

It is right for you if you want to build a coaching practice full of love and care. You are genuine and want to help people to become self-aware. You want to light people up!

It is right for you if you are ready to commit to the work and give it your all. The course comes with a beautiful workbook full of activities to help your business grow.

It is right for you if you are ready to stop having a dream and making a plan.

If you do choose to sign up with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy (through this link only), then as my gift to you, you will get…

A FREE 3 month coaching session! (a $600 value)
Includes 6 sessions every other week!
One hour calls via Skype
+ unlimited email support with me over the 3 months!

Plus my Secret Resource Library (a $297 value)
For building a killer online coaching practice Only available for aspiring coaches who sign up through my link!

We can…
Break through any fears or doubts that are keeping you living in comfort instead of living your dream.

Explore the stories you’ve been telling yourself that are holding you still

Push the boundaries of change and create epic change!
Reevaluate your comfort zone and realize that you are really not all that comfortable after all

Look at the life you are “supposed to be living” against the life you seriously desire

Take your passions and turn them into fire to start not only building your businesses but also to design your dream lifestyle!

If you want these amazing bonuses all you have to do is sign up here and book your first call!

They are now enrolling for October and May courses!

I am so excited for you to start your coaching journey, beautiful you!

Free community! life outside your comfort zone
Step outside of fear, doubt, anxiety and into your dream life. Are you ready to stop dreaming and start doing? Come join the community full of other women doing the same! PLUS get entered to win a FREE spot in my signature course!
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