How To Get Over Fear Of Failure

How To Get Over Fear Of Failure

Fear of failure... it's a biggie! I hear this fear stopping humans from going after their dreams again and again... and then again. Here's the deal though, it's not really failure that you're afraid of, it's what will happen after the failure. Or actually we should...

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When To Hire A Life Coach

When To Hire A Life Coach

Wondering when you should hire a life coach? So many people wait until they're "sturggling" before they invest in support. In this video you'll hear from a client I've worked with for about 2 years, on why this is the opposite time to get support in your life. It's...

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A Comfort Zone Reawakening

A Comfort Zone Reawakening

Blink. Blink. Blink. Watching the cursor blink on a blank page, reminding me I'm about to begin. Here's the thing... I love to write... I wrote a book last year, if you didn't know. I always have. Recently while I was visiting home, I found some old journals. I was...

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Navigating Uncertainty and Chaos

Navigating Uncertainty and Chaos

Oh, well... HELLOOOOO there beautiful human! It's been a long time since I've been in this corner of the internet. Today I am not feeling 100% and I felt called to snuggle up and share some words on my heart today. So, uh... what's been going on? Well... I bought a...

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Get ready to be inspired!

I’m Megan, a life coach for women who challenges you to get OUT of your own head and into a life you are obsessed with!