So you want to become a life coach? Being a life coach is such a fulfilling and rewarding career. I wouldn’t even call it a job. If you are passionate about serving others and helping them to achieve their goals, life coaching may just be the perfect place for you to be.

What is coaching?

“Being a life coach is about supporting people to make meaningful change in their lives. Change that inspires people to follow their dream career path, improve their health and wellbeing, release their fears and embrace their creativity, spirituality and highest self, improve their self-confidence and self-love, and become the person they most want to be. It is privileged, beautiful and life affirming work. And we are here to help you create that work firstly for yourself, and then for your clients.”

– Beautiful You Coaching Academy

When I made the decision to become a life coach, I knew it would be so much more than a career. It would be a new lifestyle. Read more about my story here.

Being a life coach is so much more. So what does it take to be a life coach? Are you ready for it?

You have to be:

Ready for change

When you commit to becoming a life coach, you are going to go on a journey of your own. You will grow not just professionally, but personally and mentally as well. My journey through my Beautiful You training took me on a 6-month journey I never expected. I saw so much growth in this short period of time. You are surrounded by a community of uplifting men and women who are teaching in their own way, alongside you creating epic plans for your future clients. You learn how to gracefully fail and what to do when you feel like you’re simply stuck. You will change without even realizing it, if you are open to it.


You have to be committed and ready to give life coaching your all. I took my life coach training through the Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy. I allowed myself AT LEAST 4-6 hours a week simply to study the material. This isn’t even including all of the extra work I put into reading self-development books and researching other methods to better myself and that would serve my clients. As a life coach you have to be committed to the course work to best serve your clients. And once you’re done with the course work you have to be ready to commit your time to your beautiful clients.


Being a life coach requires a certain type of grounding to the present moment. You have to be there fully for your clients. If you are wondering what you’re doing right or wrong or what they will do next constantly you won’t be there to serve. Being present is key to being a life coach. Having a grounding practice is so important, so that when you are done with sessions you have a way to not hold in all of a client’s emotion. If you cannot ground yourself, it could be easy to be drained as a life coach.


Above all I believe that being a life coach requires you to be heart-centered. Your actions should be driven by love, not fear. So that you can bring that into your client sessions. You are not afraid to talk about emotions and vulnerability. When you serve others, you do so from a place of light.

It is so important when you decided to start a journey in life coaching that you bring all of these practices into your life. And when you are choosing how you will train to become a life coach, you think about a course that will really bring these practices to life. I chose to train with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy, and was SO happy with that decision! Head over here to check out my review on this course!

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